News & Updates
Summer 2018
Welcome to Summer 2018!! We’ve got a lot on our plate in the upcoming months, as well as the rest of the year. With the opening of the Ft. Tuthill course and Treebash coming up we’ve been burning the midnight oil to make sure everything comes together smoothly. Big thanks to those that have come out
Winter Update
Hello FDGC!! Some news and updates!! 2018 FDGC Memberships are now available to purchase. The FDGC will be a PDGA affiliate club for 2018. With your membership we will provide you a code to receive a discount off your 2018 PDGA membership. All renewing members receive a discount off their FDGC membership as well!! Please
No Fourth of July Leage
There will be no Tuesday Handicap league this Tuesday, July 4th. There will be a random draw doubles, noon at McPherson Park.
League Results 4/18/17
28 players came out to battle fierce winds. Luckily, temps were in the high 60’s. Player Handicap Score Result Charlie Commanda 7.0 1 -6.0 Jonathon Hague 17.5 13 -4.5 Chris Johnston 7.0 3 -4.0 Josh Garcia 2.3 0 -2.3 Mark Giovale 0.6 -1 -1.6 JC Schmitz 2.3 1 -1.3 Michael Lommler -0.2 -1 -0.8 Joe
The return of McPherson
The McPherson Park course is scheduled to be reinstalled in mid-April. Stay tuned for updates. Check the Facebook group page for the latest.
New Facebook Group
The original Facebook page is being phased out in favor of a new public group page. Check it out at
League Results 11/15/16
We were back at Thorpe for the first time in a while. Player Handicap Score Result Cody Shinaman 0.5 -4 -4.5 Trevor Paquet -3.7 -8 -4.3 Ryan Johnson -2.8 -6 -3.2 Trevor Mee -1.3 -4 -2.7 Derick McCabe -0.1 -2 -1.9 Mark Giovale -0.1 -2 -1.9 Jason Nelson 0.6 -1 -1.6 Rob Schales -0.7 -2
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