A Peace Surplus Feature
Read the full article at https://peacesurplus.com/disc-golf-essentials
It’s no secret that Flagstaff is an incredible place to be if you’re a disc golfer. In fact, in just over a year, Flagstaff will be hosting the world PDA Masters Disc Golf World Championships. And while that topic calls for a blog of it’s own, today we’ll be discussing Disc Golfing Essentials with Alex Stone, Flagstaff Disc Golf Club’s Vice President.
Alex's Story
But first, behind any sport needs to be a drive and passion to play. Alex’s Disc Golfing passion comes from a unique place. Alex was familiar with frisbees from a young age, often playing while growing up in Detroit. However, he had never played disc golf until two years ago.
Alex was living and working in LA when the pandemic hit. In addition to pandemic stressors, Alex had a series of other really challenging life events that had him in search of a new home and a new start. When Alex landed in Flagstaff, he was looking for community and healing. After playing a round of disc golf while back at home for a visit, Alex returned to Flagstaff and pursued the disc golf community with “every fiber of his being.”
“At first, it was a way to get me off the couch and get me outside to build community,” says Alex. “But now, I’ve made so many amazing friends, the sport has done so much for me.”
A lot of Alex’s love for the sport comes from the community but also the “low barrier to entry.” While some outdoor sports are expensive and require a lesson or a depth of knowledge before you even begin, disc golf isn’t that way at all. You don’t need much or need to know much to have a good time.
Breaking Down the Essentials
What do you need to really play the sport? What are the disc golf essentials?
“Two, maybe three discs.” Alex says. While most players carry a bag stocked full of different discs, if you’re just beginning the sport, you simply need a putter, a midrange and a fairway or distance driver. With these three, you’ll be able to make any shot you need to, have fun on the course, and you can always build your collection of discs from there.
A typical disc is anywhere from $15 – $30 which puts a beginner’s start up price at $45. When you compare this to skiing, climbing, or mountain biking, it’s no wonder the sport is gaining so much traction.
Of course there are other items that make a round of play a lot more enjoyable. If you’re on a course around Flagstaff, it’s likely you’ll want a pretty serious pair of hiking shoes. We suggest Merril, Oboz, Keen or any shoe with a sturdy sole and maybe some ankle support. Some players also prefer approach shoes that grip well on rocks, dirt and grass.
For the rest of the essential disc golf gear and how to get more involved in the disc golf community, check out the full blog at: https://peacesurplus.com/disc-golf-essentials

Amy Auble, Peace Surplus
Interview with Alex Stone, Written by Amy Auble | Flagstaff, AZ