From the Flagstaff Disc Golf Blog

USDGC on Television


Aired on 24 Regional Sports Networks throughout the nation and Barbados, the half-hour broadcast was the season finale for the 19-show Beach Sports Network was available to 82.2 million households.  After the highly successful DGPtv produced shows that featured great highlights, interviews, and graphics during the first three BSN episodes, the 2013 USDGC show focused more on the competitors to carry the show.

With in-depth interviews and insights from the event’s top competitors, Brinster, Doss, Schusterick, McBeth and others, you will get in intimate perspective on the top disc golfers in the world, as well as a better understanding of the spirit that carries them through the PDGA Tour.

Special thanks to the touring pros who took a great deal of time out of their competition schedules to participate in the interviews.  We also would like to recognize The Spin TV crew, as well as Jussi and Esa, who made their resources available to us while bringing this project across the finish line.  Additionally, major credit goes to Dave Manzo, who once again has shown us how good disc golf could look when it’s in the hands of a top director and editor.  Enjoy the show!

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