From the Flagstaff Disc Golf Blog

League Results 5.18.13

We played the Treebash Pro layout at Thorpe.

CTP Winner: Barley – Hole #7 alternate pad

Player Average Score Handi Total
Josh Devlin 57.125 -3 -3.1 -6.1
Derek Cockerham 68.2 9 -14.2 -5.2
Barley 52.125 -5 1.8 -3.2
Marcus Norling 55.375 0 -1.3 -1.3
Roy Lopez 53.75 -1 0.2 -0.8
Chris Johnston 61.625 8 -7.6 0.4
Ryan Johnson 51.875 -1 2.1 1.1
Josh Garcia 61.71429 9 -7.7 1.3
Matt King 58.71429 6 -4.7 1.3
Grant Pete. 59.57143 7 -5.5 1.5
Alvin Ashley 52.73056 1 1.2 2.2
Bobby Harding 57.75 6 -3.7 2.3
Dale Rehm 60.875 10 -6.8 3.2
Ben Dantouze 57.25 7 -3.2 3.8
Jeff S. 57 9 -3 6
Tom Lamberrt 57 7 -3 4
Eric L 56 4 -2 2
Ryan M 55.33333 2 -1.3 0.7
Nate Schott 56 4 -2 2

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