From the Flagstaff Disc Golf Blog

Club News & Updates – October

Word from the Board President

Treebash was smashing success. Thank you to all the volunteers who made it happen! 2021 will not disappoint.
  • We want to begin Tuesday handicap league once again but will need some help from volunteers to organize/run it.
  • Bill Block has offered to tag team it with some other individuals. Contact us if you’re interested in volunteering.
  • Tuthill baskets 1, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18 have been shortened with plans to shorten the rest. Thorpe will be shortened in the days to come as well to allow for a birdie fest! 🐦
  • We still have plenty of FDGC custom Innova discs that I will post in the next day or so. If you pre-ordered discs and haven’t received them touch base with me to get your plastic!
  • We have a great new website up and running thanks to Nicholas and Sublime Dzine Digital Design
Any questions, comments, concerns or compliments drop them in the comments below!
Keep frolfing #FDGC

- Jacob


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