2025 Registration Coming Soon
2022 Divisional Champions
2022 Divisional Champions
MPO Champ
Derick McCabe
MP40+ Champ
Aaron Verhoff
MP50+ Champ
Roy Lopez
FA1 Champ
Shayna Harvey
FA2 Champ
Kendra David
MA1 Champ
Daniel Crim
MA40+ Champ
Anthony Meehan
MA50+ Champ
Todd Hooe
MA2 Champ
JK Moehlman
MA3 Champ
John Hoxer
2023 Season Details
2023 Season Schedule
Thursday | Friday | Saturday
Session 1 - 8 Weeks
May 11 - july 1
Fort Tuthill / McPherson
Session 2 - 10 Weeks
july 20 - Sept 23
Course TBD
Session 3 - 6 Weeks
Oct 1 - Nov 11
Course TBD
How to Join THE LEAGUE
- Sign up and pay your $50 LEAGUE Season Fees + $25 ACE Pool (Optional).
- Pay Your Session Dues before the session starts.
- Join the PDGA to take advantage of sanctioned play.
- This is not required to play in THE LEAGUE.
2023 Commissioners
- Nicholas Allen
- Tom Verstraete
- Alex Stone
- Stacey Briscoe
Read These Rules!
Read These Rules!
2023 Season Fees are Due by May 11
In order for us to get your your league gear in the 2023 Season we need to collect sooner in the season.
If you cannot pay by May 11, please reach out to make payment arrangements.
General Rules and Details
- LEAGUE Season Fee + Session Dues + Optional Ace Pool ($50/$25) are due before the first disc is thrown.
- Scores will not be recorded otherwise.
- Your $50 Dues will cover all three sessions of 2023.
- 2023 Season Fees are due by May 11, 2023.
- Season Fees are due even if you aren’t playing until Session 2 and/or 3.
- Session Dues must be paid before your first throw.
- Session Winners to be paid out at the end of the season.
- All sanctioned PDGA Tournament rules apply.
- The only exception to these rules is the presence of alcohol.
- PDGA Tournament Rules and Regulations:
- https://www.pdga.com/rules
- All participants must have a signed waiver on file. See LEAGUE membership form.
- All groups must consist of at least three (3) registered LEAGUE participants;
- or a LEAGUE Commissioner or a designated official present, if less than three (3) registered LEAGUE participants.
- Maintain reasonable group sizes for speed of play.
- All official scoring will be recorded using the PDGA Live Scoring App / Website.
- Alternate Scoring is highly suggested ( additional UDISC card or Paper).
- Rules of Play
- No follow through within 10 meters.
- Must be clearly playing behind the disc lie.
- No altering the course (trees, bushes, etc) in any way.
- A disc can be “altered” with a ribbon or other marking device during our winter session(s).
- Two (2) players on the same card will be required to enforce any infractions of rules in which case the player accused of the fault will be cost a stroke.
- Measurements for 10 meters will not be used, use your best judgment. If 2 or more players in a group determine you are within the 10 meter circle you will need to show balance. If you aren’t sure, ask the players on your card first.
- Barring any emergencies, if you start a round it will be recorded.
- The maximum allowable strokes will be recorded for any holes missed during the round.
- Any infractions resulting from questionable integrity, cheating, or unfair play will result in disqualification.
- LEAGUE Commissioners will have the final say.
- No refunds will be issued.
- Days and times eligible for play are:
- Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
- Sunday from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM will serve as a single makeup round day, if no other rounds are recorded that week.
- Makeup rounds must be played on the same course during the same session.
- Makeup rounds are not submitted to the PDGA for sanctioned scoring.
- You can record a maximum of three (3) rounds in one week.
- Each eligible day of the week serves as a separate PDGA Sanctioned League. (Three scoring opportunities.)
- How to Maximize Play:
- Play one round each eligible day of the week, Thursday through Saturday.
2023 League Schedule & Course Details
- Session 1
- PDGA Page: https://bit.ly/3vpgaby
- Location: Fort Tuthill / McPherson DGC
- Length: 8 Weeks
- Thursday – Saturday / Sunday – Makeups
- Dates: May 11 – July 1, 2023
- Session 2
- PDGA Page:
- Location: Thorpe DGC/ TBD
- Length: 10 Weeks
- Thursday – Saturday / Sunday – Makeups
- Dates: July 20 – September 23, 2023
- Session 3
- PDGA Page:
- Location: TBD
- Length: 6 Weeks
- Thursday – Saturday / Sunday – Makeups
- Dates: October 5 – November 11, 2023
League Scoring & PDGA Sanctioned Play
- A single running 2023 LEAGUE Score will be kept for the 2023 LEAGUE Divisional Champions.
- Scoring is by registered Divisions.
- Players may move divisions within the first two (2) weeks of the session.
- This will be the accumulated total and average of all sessions played in the LEAGUE during 2023.
- Your highest and lowest scores will be dropped.
- PDGA Sanctioned scoring
- PDGA Tournament Rules and Regulations: https://www.pdga.com/rules
- How points are awarded: https://www.pdga.com/faq/leagues/points-and-rankings
- Division Ratings and Points Factors: https://www.pdga.com/pdga-documents/tour-documents/divisions-ratings-and-points-factors
- The more players in the division, the more you score against.
- Bigger Pools = More points to score.
Prizes and Payouts
- Closest to Pin or Longest Drive prizes to be announced the week of.
- The Ace pool TBD and will be evenly distributed to all that hit an ace during the 2023 Season during LEAGUE play.
- Witnesses required. Photo or video should be posted to social media for record.
- You must complete 25 rounds to be eligible for Divisional Championships.
- Maximum number of rounds possible in 2023 is 72. (3 rounds per week x 24 weeks = 72)
- Annual LEAGUE Season Fees + Optional Ace Pool ($50/$25) are due before your first disc is thrown.
- Scores will not be recorded otherwise.
- Session Fees are due before your first disc is thrown.
- Your round will not count if your fees are not paid.
- Session Winners to be paid out at the end of the season.
- Top 2 divisional players will be paid for each division.
- Payouts will be determined by participation, division size, and added sponsor cash.
- Winnings to include THE LEAGUE 2024 Season Dues, 2024 tournament entries TBD.
- Divisional Playoffs will be held with a Finals event at the end of the last 2023 Session.
- Remaining cash will be distributed amongst divisional champions and to be paid at the end of the year.
- Total payouts will be dependent on registered players and added sponsor cash accumulated through Session 3.
Updated January 23, 2023
2023 Season Sponsor
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