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Event details imported from Disc Golf Scene. See DGS website for full event details and registration
This will be a 2 round tournament with a lunch break. Dangerous doubles format Round 1 Holes 1-6 – best shot Holes 7-12 – alternate shot Holes 13-18 – worst shot Round 2 Holes 1-6 – alternate shot Holes 7-12 – worst shot Holes 13-18 – best shot Payment/fees This tournament will be handled directly through our Tucson synchro team page Discgolfscene is for tracking teams. Tournament will be $40/player $20 to Tucson Synchro and $20 to the Jim Gyhs memorial fund. Trophies and prizes to be determined. CTP for every hole, one raffle ticket per registered player. All proceeds raised will fund Tucson Synchro travel and team costs for regionals and national meet. Proceeds raised will also go towards a memorial sign installation for Jim Gyhs at Sam Lena and any additional funds above these costs will go towards course improvements, league prizes, etc.
Please help us serve a great local non-profit team and give us all something to remember Jim by.
Tucson Synchro is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.